It's much later than I had wanted it to be, so I guess this one will be a bit shorter than before.
Guide to Yesterday
I introduced the functionality of taking screenshots of the blog yesterday. So how did I do it?
Look at Fresh
Again it seems like I'll be looking to others for inspiration (or just straight up taking their code). In this case the Fresh Showcase does exactly what I want. Look at all those great screenshots! And if you go to their source code, you'll eventually make your way to this file. (Luca please don't sue me!) Usage is via the command line like:
deno task screenshot http://localhost:8000/blog/2023-01-16 post
Which is how I took a screenshot of yesterday's post.
Other Thoughts
Hmmm, other than that there's not a whole lot to report. Obviously a whole bunch of stuff could be added in order to make this easier, but a manual process is fine for now.
Here's the state of the blog, as of yesterday (after I posted):
Yeah, not a whole lot of change so far.
Today's Result
Well, not every day is going to be a success. Sadly it seems like my attempt at analytics doesn't work. Maybe I'll sleep on it and it will be clear.
Plan for Tomorrow
This should be obvious: get analytics working.