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Adding a layout

Guide to Yesterday

So this isn't really yesterday, since I didn't do much on Friday the 20th. But I guess that's ok.

What I did on Thursday is a bit embarrassing, because it was so poorly done. I suppose that's part of the learning process.

I wish I could spend a bit more time writing this up, but maybe it's not worth it. Perhaps I can revisit this topic at some point in the future, and do it on my own from scratch.

Today's Result

Look! It's starting to look like an actual blog! Today's new feature is that it isn't fugly. a proper template

Plan for Tomorrow

Spend some time writing an actual post, talking about the layout. I should include some code samples and such, to make it seem like something actually useful, as opposed to a journal of fails.

The screenshot thing is also getting a bit dull. I really need to automate the process, and come up with a way to show off the history.

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