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90days: Day 11 -- Zod

Welcome back to "90 Day of Tutorials". Today I looked at Zod. They say:

Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. I'm using the term "schema" to broadly refer to any data type, from a simple string to a complex nested object.

I first encountered Zod back on day 5 as I was working with BlitzJS. I was of course intrigued by the library offering an easy way to do runtime type validations. I eventually got around to prioritizing it as part of this project. Sadly the documentation is just... a reference. There's no tutorial or how-to (as per Diataxis' definition). That's disappointing.

Do not fear! Google to the rescue! A quick search turned up this awesome resource from TotalTypescript. It's a really fantastic learning portal, where each tutorial is broken down into many exercises. An exercise consists of an introduction, a challenge, and an explanation. Everything is really well done.

If you're looking to learn about Zod, then I can highly recommend what Matt created with TotalTypescript.

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