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Not having the post template is great, since it's now much less work to write a post. Unfortunately the quality of the posts has definitely decreased. I could definitely start adding some more technical details to these posts.

Today seems to be all about deleting code, if you look at the commit which introduced this post. That's because I've started a small and hacky open source project to deal with the screenshot aspect of my blog.

If you want to see what my code looks like as it's being written, check out the first commit of deno_cap. The code just barely runs; in fact, I have to manually end the process since the program doesn't terminate on its own. But if I uncomment the line I expect to end the process, then it throws a stack trace instead. Well, that's not great, but I guess that's what learning looks like.

It seems like there are some guides available which tell developers how to start open source projects. And it seems like I have almost none of the things they recommend. Oops!

Over the upcoming days and weeks, I hope to make some progress on this small utility, which could definitely become more useful to me. At a minimum I might get it to run without errors and to have some tests. I suppose it's time for some sort of (static) checklist. Off the top of my head, there are the following points to consider and learn about:

  • tests
  • continuous integration
  • github PR hooks and checks
  • github releases / tags
  • adding the module to deno.land
  • open source licenses
  • accepting issues / dealing with PRs (haha, as if anyone will even see this repo!)
  • writing a nice readme with contribution guidelines (see above parenthesis!)
  • creating a static site to document the functionality (probably a bit overkill for something so simple, but if it's free...)
  • all those ridiculous badges people put in their readme files

🤞 for some upcoming progress! But for now I'm just glad to have taken another concrete step forward. It's now significantly easier to capture the history of my blog. Speaking of, you still have no way to see that. It's definitely on the list!

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