I've created another repo, this time with some examples about doing stuff with deno. Check it out here.
For some reason I wanted to learn about containerizing a simple http server, so I wrote up a small walkthrough and sample code.
I made it a bit more complicated by then creating a different example that starts two containers, each on a separate port. I'll include the walkthrough here, just for fun:
- Build everything.
docker-compose build
- Start the containers.
docker-compose up -d
- Check to confirm it's serving.
You should see:curl http://localhost:8081
Check the other server.Hello world from Deno on 8081! 🦕
You should see:curl http://localhost:8082
Hello world from Deno on 8082! 🦕
- (Optional) Stop the containers.
docker-compose down
Great, look at me learning!