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Today I decided to try Turborepo and Turbopack. I guess it's cool enough, but I don't really have enough familiarity with the space to be able to judge. We use a bit of Vite at work, but I've never dug into what's going on. Similarly webpack, esbuild, etc etc are all foreign to me. Maybe this is something else to try. (But somehow it all seems a bit boring to me, so probably not.)

Additionally, I don't have any monorepos that are just dying for incremental builds to come save them. So... maybe this was a poor choice of technology to learn about. Or maybe not? Perhaps this is exactly the sort of thing I should be doing. Perhaps I should try Kubernetes or some CI tool (like Jenkins) next. I have no immediate use for them, but just knowing what they're capable of will expand my possible thoughts.

Edit: but from my mention on Sunday's post to the Spring tutorial and the plan to redo it with node or something, perhaps this is the perfect opportunity. Maybe all of the Spring Boot services should get rewritten as Next services, living inside of a monorepo managed by Turborepo.

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