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Today I spent the first hour of work (sorry boss!) going through some of the Kubernetes tutorials. The first one is an introduction to Minikube, which is a way of runnig K8s locally. Specifically:

minikube is local Kubernetes, focusing on making it easy to learn and develop for Kubernetes

Great, just what I need. The second one is, as the url suggests, a tutorial talking about the basics of Kubernetes. Cool.

I'm not entirely sure how I can apply these concepts right now, but it's great knowing a little bit more about something so important. Deployments -> nodes -> pods -> containers/volumes, or something like that.

Edit: Turns out https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ is also a minimal intro to these topics. I suppose I don't want to spend any further time learning this stuff. Once upon a time I thought it would be great to become AWS certified, but I quickly lost interest. Why? No practical need to apply the skills I've learned. I think k8s falls into this category. So I'll pause this investigation for now, knowing that I can come back to it in the future.

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